Service Area

Temperature Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning is based in Kemah, TX, and serves residential and commercial customers throughout the area. Contact us today for your heating and cooling needs!
We are proud to offer service in and around the following communities:
- Bacliff
- Baytown
- Clear Lake City
- Deer Park
- Dickinson
- El Lago
- Friendswood
- Galveston
- Houston (south of I-10)
- Kemah
- La Marque
- LaPorte
- League City
- Nassau Bay
- Pasadena
- Pearland
- San Leon
- Sante Fe
- Seabrook
- South Houston
- Texas City
- Tiki Island
- Bacliff
- Baytown
- Clear Lake City
- Deer Park
- Dickinson
- El Lago
- Friendswood
- Galveston
- Houston (south of I-10)
- Kemah
- La Marque
- LaPorte
- League City
- Nassau Bay
- Pasadena
- Pearland
- San Leon
- Sante Fe
- Seabrook
- South Houston
- Texas City
- Tiki Island